I know there are several unpivot / cross apply discussions here but I was not able to find any discussion that covers my problem. What I've got so far is the following:
SELECT Perc, Salary
SELECT jobid, Salary_10 AS Perc10, Salary_25 AS Perc25, [Salary_Median] AS Median
FROM vCalculatedView
WHERE JobID = '1'
GROUP BY JobID, SourceID, Salary_10, Salary_25, [Salary_Median]
) a
Salary FOR Perc IN (Perc10, Perc25, Median)
) AS calc1
Now, what I would like is to add several other columns, eg. one named Bonus which I also want to put in Perc10, Perc25 and Median Rows.
As an alternative, I also made a query with cross apply, but here, it seems as if you can not "force" sort the rows like you can with unpivot. In other words, I can not have a custom sort, but only a sort that is according to a number within the table, if I am correct? At least, here I do get the result like I wish to have, but the rows are in a wrong order and I do not have the rows names like Perc10 etc. which would be nice.
SELECT crossapplied.Salary,
FROM vCalculatedView v
(Salary_10, Bonus_10)
, (Salary_25, Bonus_25)
, (Salary_Median, Bonus_Median)
) crossapplied (Salary, Bonus)
WHERE JobID = '1'
GROUP BY crossapplied.Salary,
Perc stands for Percentile here.
Output is intended to be something like this:
| Calculation | Salary | Bonus |
| Perc10 | 25 | 5 |
| Perc25 | 35 | 10 |
| Median | 27 | 8 |
Do I miss something or did I something wrong? I'm using MSSQL 2014, output is going into SSRS. Thanks a lot for any hint in advance!
Edit for clarification: The Unpivot-Method gives the following output:
| Calculation | Salary |
| Perc10 | 25 |
| Perc25 | 35 |
| Median | 27 |
so it lacks the column "Bonus" here.
The Cross-Apply-Method gives the following output:
| Salary | Bonus |
| 35 | 10 |
| 25 | 5 |
| 27 | 8 |
So if you compare it to the intended output, you'll notice that the column "Calculation" is missing and the row sorting is wrong (note that the line 25 | 5 is in the second row instead of the first).
Edit 2: View's definition and sample data: The view basically just adds computed columns of the table. In the table, I've got Columns like Salary and Bonus for each JobID. The View then just computes the percentiles like this:
within group (order by Salary)
over (partition by jobID) as Salary_10,
within group (order by Salary)
over (partition by jobID) as Salary_25
from Tabelle
So the output is like:
| ID | JobID | Salary | Salary_10 | Salary_25 |
| 1 | 1 | 100 | 60 | 70 |
| 2 | 1 | 100 | 60 | 70 |
| 3 | 2 | 150 | 88 | 130 |
| 4 | 3 | 70 | 40 | 55 |
In the end, the view will be parameterized in a stored procedure.
seems to do the calculations in advance... Yourgroup by
isn't doing anything... Please show the result you're getting with your statement and provide some sample data and expected output. – PottleCTE
is what you rather need.GROUP BY
you'd use for aggregations likeMAX()
Please provide the result of your current query and how your data should be displayed. – PottlevCalculatedView
? The VIEW's definition might help also. I do not understand up to which level the aggregation is done there... – Pottle