When defining a query in a schema, how do I refer to a value of an GraphQLEnumType declared previously, to use it as the default value of an argument?
Let's say I've defined following ObservationPeriod
observationPeriodEnum = new GraphQLEnumType {
name: "ObservationPeriod"
description: "One of the performance metrics observation periods"
value: '1D'
description: "Daily"
and use it as the type of query argument period
queryRootType = new GraphQLObjectType {
name: "QueryRoot"
description: "Query entry points to the DWH."
type: performanceType
description: "Given a portfolio EID, an observation period (defaults to YTD)
and as-of date, as well as the source performance engine,
return the matching performance metrics."
type: observationPeriodEnum
defaultValue: observationPeriodEnum.Daily ← how to achieve this?
Currently I'm using the actual '1D'
string value as the default value; this works:
type: observationPeriodEnum
defaultValue: '1D'
But is there a way I could use the Daily
symbolic name instead? I couldn't find a way to use the names within the schema itself. Is there something I overlooked?
I'm asking, because I was expecting an enum type to behave as a set of constants also, and to be able to use them like this in the schema definition:
type: observationPeriodEnum
defaultValue: observationPeriodEnum.Daily
Naïve workaround:
# Given a GraphQLEnumType instance, this macro function injects the names
# of its enum values as keys the instance itself and returns the modified
# GraphQLEnumType instance.
modifiedWithNameKeys = (enumType) ->
for ev in enumType.getValues()
unless enumType[ ev.name]?
enumType[ ev.name] = ev.value
console.warn "SCHEMA> Enum name #{ev.name} conflicts with key of same
name on GraphQLEnumType object; it won't be injected for value lookup"
observationPeriodEnum = modifiedWithNameKeys new GraphQLEnumType {
name: "description: "Daily""
which allows to use it as desired in schema definition:
type: observationPeriodEnum
defaultValue: observationPeriodEnum.Daily
Of course, this modifier fullfils its promise, only as long as the enum names do not interfere with GraphQLEnumType existing method and variable names (which are currently: name
, description
, _values
, _enumConfig
, _valueLookup
, _nameLookup
, getValues
, serialize
, parseValue
, _getValueLookup
, _getNameLookup
and toString
— see definition of GraphQLEnumType
class around line 687 in https://github.com/graphql/graphql-js/blob/master/src/type/definition.js#L687)