I am building an android app where I need to authenticate the user via an username and password (on the backed) using the Fingerprint api.
Here's my understanding what I need to do in the simplest terms.
On login after the user has entered a username and password and successfully authenticated with the backend, I generate and store a particular keystore with those credentials to the androidkeystore.
On next login, if the user successfully authenticates via a fingerprint, retrieve the credentials (username and password) from the android keystore and authenticate the user on the backend with those credentials.
I have followed: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/An_Android_Fingerprint_Authentication_Tutorial
This gives a good example of how to use the fingerprint API to authenticate the user with the device. But how do I get the credentials back, so that I can authenticate the user with the backend?
Are there any steps, suggestions, or detailed examples for what I want to do?