I'm doing something similar in my app. My solution looks something like this...
Front End: In router.vue, I check the subdomain to see what routes to return using window.location.host. There is 3 options
- no subdomain loads the original routes (mysite.com)
- portal subdomain loads the portal routes (portal.mysite.com)
- any other subdomain loads the routes for the custom client subdomain, which can be anything and is dynamic
My routes for situation #3 looks like this:
import HostedSiteHomePage from 'pages/hostedsite/hosted-site-home'
export const hostedSiteRoutes = [
{ path: '*', component: HostedSiteHomePage }
The asterisk means that any unmatched route will fallback to it.
In your fallback page (or any page), you will want this (beforeMount is the important part here):
beforeMount: function () {
var host = window.location.host
this.subdomain = host.split('.')[0]
if (this.subdomain === 'www') subdomain = host.split('.')[1]
methods: {
fetchSiteContent() {
if (!this.subdomain || this.subdomain === 'www') {
this.siteContentLoaded = true
this.errorLoadingSite = true
// send subdomain to the server and get back configuration object
http.get('/Site/LoadSite', { params: { site: this.subdomain } }).then((result) => {
if (result && result.data && result.data.success == true) {
this.siteContent = result.data.content
} else {
this.errorLoadingSite = true
this.siteContentLoaded = true
}).catch((err) => {
console.log("Error loading " + this.subdomain + "'s site", err)
this.errorLoadingSite = true
this.siteContentLoaded = false
I store a configuration object in json in the database for the subdomain, and return that to the client side for a matching subdomain then update the site to match the information/options in the config object.
Here is my router.vue
These domain names are supported:
mysite.com (loads main/home routes)
portal.mysite.com (loads routes specific to the portal)
x.mysite.com (loads routes that support dynamic subdomain, fetches config from server)
y.mysite.com (loads routes that support dynamic subdomain, fetches config from server)
localhost:5000 (loads main/home routes)
portal.localhost:5000 (loads routes specific to the portal)
x.localhost:5000 (loads routes that support dynamic subdomain, fetches config from server)
y.localhost:5000 (loads routes that support dynamic subdomain, fetches config from server)
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
// 3 different routes objects in routes.vue
import { portalRoutes, homeRoutes, hostedSiteRoutes } from './routes'
function getRoutes() {
let routes;
var host = window.location.host
var subdomain = host.split('.')[0]
if (subdomain === 'www') subdomain = host.split('.')[1]
console.log("Subdomain: ", subdomain)
// check for localhost to work in dev environment
// another viable alternative is to override /etc/hosts
if (subdomain === 'mysite' || subdomain.includes('localhost')) {
routes = homeRoutes
} else if (subdomain === 'portal') {
routes = portalRoutes
} else {
routes = hostedSiteRoutes
return routes;
let router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
routes: getRoutes()
export default router
As you can see I have 3 different set of routes, one of which is a set of routes that supports dynamic subdomains. I send a GET request to the server once i load the dynamic subdomain page and fetch a configuration object that tells the front end what that site should look like.