I'm using VScode to write MicroPython code. The linting and code completion is quite decent, but as there are quite a few differences between CPython and MicroPython, I think it could be better.
Is there a way for pylint to :
- recognize the micropython standard libs and modules
- recognize the subset of classes / methods implemented versus CPython
In other words I'd like to prevent errors and warnings such as these:
I've looked at a promising approach by Thonny to extract module information and save that in module/APIstubs, and extend that to more complete prototypes. However that would still require pylint to include and prioritize these over CPython.
Is that something that can be configured in pylint and/or Python, and if so, how would I go about that?
Update : I have a decent partial solution on https://github.com/Josverl/micropython-stubber and there also may be interest to solve this more generally in vscode
init-hook='import sys; sys.path.insert(1,"C:\\Develop\\thonny\\thonny\\plugins\\micropython\\api_stubs\\")'
, and that does work to a degree. 1. the '[pylint]' errors change, apparently the stubs picked up , but are not correct yet ( missing returns type , parameters etc) 2. the[Python]
warnings however, are unaffected – Habakkuk