I've used Prometheus to store performance metrics and query the results as percentiles (ex. 95th percentile response timing). I used prometheus-net to emit them.
What is the equivalent in Azure AppInsights?
I see there are percentile functions in AppInsights/Kusto but when I use GetMetric("blah").TrackValue(42) it stores Count, Min, Max, Sum, and StdDev, which isn't the histogram bucketing approach I'm used to in Prometheus.
for(int i=0; i < 500; i++) {
//Write some metrics
telemetryClient.GetMetric("blah").TrackValue(42); //real data isn't constant
| where name == "blah"
//| summarize avg(value), percentiles(value, 50, 95) by bin(timestamp, 2m)
Here is some data I logged with randomized values. The value column is the sum, which is not correct, so I don't see how I can properly do percentiles on this data.