In recursion schemes, how can I construct something with type definition like (Recursive t, CoRecursive t) -> t -> ? -> t
I try to use recursion-schemes to update nodes. Taking list as an example, I can come up with two methods like:
update :: [a] -> Natural -> a -> [a]
update = para palg where
palg Nil _ _ = []
palg (Cons a (u, _)) 0 b = b : u
palg (Cons a (u, f)) n b = a : f (n-1) b
update' :: [a] -> Natural -> a -> [a]
update' = c2 (apo acoalg) where
c2 f a b c = f (a,b,c)
acoalg ([], _, _) = Nil
acoalg (_:as , 0, b) = Cons b $ Left as
acoalg (a:as , n, b) = Cons a $ Right (as, n-1, b)
However, these two implementations are good. In these two implementations, the constructor of ListF
and []
appears in both sides of the equation. And the definition does not appear to be unique. Is there a better way to perform List update with recursion schemes?