After some research, I find out this is possible to capture the audio data in libaudioflinger of Android.
I think the audio data is being written to HAL in here:
ssize_t framesWritten = mNormalSink->write((char *)mSinkBuffer + offset, count);
So, I would like to save the mSinkBuffer + offset to a file (which I expected it will be raw PCM audio file). I using those stream to write it to file:
std::ofstream audioData ("/data/audiodata.raw", std::fstream::app);
audioData.write((char *)mSinkBuffer + offset, count);
The file is successfully written and it has data in it. But, when I play the PCM file (audiodata.raw) with aplay or ffplay, the only sound I got is noise.
aplay -t raw -c 2 -f S16_LE -r 48000 audiodata.raw
I was worry about the config of aplay. So I print some log of the libaudioflinger:
10-07 10:14:54.575 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: I/O handle: 13
10-07 10:14:54.575 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: Standby: no
10-07 10:14:54.575 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: Sample rate: 48000 Hz
10-07 10:14:54.575 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: HAL frame count: 512
10-07 10:14:54.575 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: HAL format: 0x1 (AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT)
10-07 10:14:54.575 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: HAL buffer size: 2048 bytes
10-07 10:14:54.575 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: Channel count: 2
10-07 10:14:54.575 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: Channel mask: 0x00000003 (front-left, front-right)
10-07 10:14:54.575 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: Processing format: 0x5 (AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT)
10-07 10:14:54.576 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: Processing frame size: 8 bytes
10-07 10:14:54.576 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: Pending config events:
10-07 10:14:54.576 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: none
10-07 10:14:54.576 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: Output device: 0x2 (AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER)
10-07 10:14:54.576 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: Input device: 0 (AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE)
10-07 10:14:54.576 1300 1366 I AudioFlinger: Audio source: 0 (default)
I don't know what I did wrong. Please help me!
Thank you in advanced!