I am getting the following error in my Google sheet:
Service invoked too many times for one day: urlfetch
I know for a fact I am not making 100k calls, but I do have quite a few custom functions in my sheet. I tried to make a new sheet and copy/paste the script into that one, but I still get the same error. I then switched my account, made a new sheet, added the code, and I still got the error.
Is this just because I am on the same computer? Is Google smart enough to realize I am the same person trying to do it? I highly doubt that, so I am wondering why it would be throwing this error, even after switching accounts and making a new sheet.
In addition to that, is there any way to make sure I don't go over the limit in the future? This error sets me back at least a day with what I was working on. I do plan to write a script to just copy/paste the imported HTML as values into another sheet, but until I get that working, I need a temporary fix.
Sample code:
function tbaTeamsAtEvent(eventcode){
return ImportJSON("https://www.thebluealliance.com/api/v3/event/" + eventcode + "/teams?X-TBA-Auth-Key=" + auth_key);
function ImportJSONForTeamEvents(url, query, options){
var includeFunc = includeXPath_;
var transformFunc = defaultTransform_;
var jsondata = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var object = JSON.parse(jsondata.getContentText());
var newObject = [];
for(var i = 0; i < object.length; i++){
var teamObject = {};
teamObject.playoff = object[i].alliances
return parseJSONObject_(object, query, "", includeFunc, transformFunc);
That is one "set" of code that is used for a specific function. I am pulling two different functions multiple times. I have about 600 of one function, and 4 of another. That would only be just over a thousand calls if all were run simultaneously.
I should note that I also have another sheet in my drive that automatically updates every hour with a UrlFetch
. I do no believe this should affect this though, due to the very low pull rate.