I know that this question has been done on the web, but I am not able to find a suitable solution for me.
I have one server (VM1) with sshfs
installed that should provide remote file system storage. I have another server (VM2) where containers are run, I would like that these containers use volumes hosted in VM1.
I followed this official docker guide So in VM1 I ran:
docker plugin install vieux/sshfs DEBUG=1 sshkey.source=/home/debian/.ssh/
In VM 2 I ran:
docker volume create --name remotevolume -d vieux/sshfs -o sshcmd=debian@vm1:/home/debian/sshfs300 -o IdentityFile=/home/csicari/data/Mega/lavoro/keys/vm-csicari.key -o -o allow_other -o nonempty
This is the inspect output:
"CreatedAt": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"Driver": "vieux/sshfs:latest",
"Labels": {},
"Mountpoint": "/mnt/volumes/895d7f7679f69131500c786d7fe5fdc1",
"Name": "remotevolume",
"Options": {
"IdentityFile": "/home/csicari/data/Mega/lavoro/keys/vm-csicari.key",
"sshcmd": "debian@vm1:/home/debian/sshfs300"
"Scope": "local"
In VM1 I ran also:
docker run -it -v remotevolume:/home -d ubuntu
But I got this error:
docker: Error response from daemon: VolumeDriver.Mount: sshfs command execute failed: exit status 1 (read: Connection reset by peer
). See 'docker run --help'.