I am trying to set up a scene in react-three-fiber that uses a raycaster to detect if an object intersects it.
My Scene: scene
I have been looking at examples like this example and this other example, of raycasters that use simple three objects but don't utilize separated component jsx ".gltf" meshes or their not in jsx. So I'm not sure how to add my group of meshes to a "raycaster.intersectObject();".
It seems that all you do is set up your camera, scene, and raytracer separately in different variables, but my camera and scene are apart of the Canvas Component.
Question: How do I add raycasting support to my scene? This would obscure the text that is on the opposite side of the sphere.
jsx const ref = useRef() useEffect(() => { yourRaycaster.intersectObject(ref.current) ... }, []) return <group ref={ref}> ...
– Flirt