I have this weird error with my wordpress website.
Later I noticed I got an automated warning message about the plugin "Unyson", but the provided urls don't work.
When I access the main page I get this error:
At first I expected it to be the Database Connection settings in the wp_config.php file.
I double checked them as I tried to log in to the Admin panel. I got the error: One or more database tables are unavailable. The database may need to be repaired.
So I added define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true);
and ran the repair module. Which gave me the following result:
Because after each table it says: table is okay
I have to conclude it can actually connect to the database?
I also renamed the plugins folder _plugins and removed the unyson plugin from the folder, but the error still remains.
Does any have an idea to fix this issue?