I would like to know what are the options I have to run an object detection model in the browser, until now I have found the next options:
- Streamlit: is very simple but requires the server resources to run, including its own camera. Besides, I believe is not possible to be implemented as a website.
- Brython: is a JS substitute? I couldnt find the way how to load pytorch or libraries.
- Onnx: Seems to be a very good option, however I dont quite understand how to run the model in JS, since I have been using python and pytorch only, What is the learning roadmap? What is the relation with Webassembly?
- NCNN: This is the method I know the least, It seems to be able to work on basically any device, Webassembly, windows, android..., but again, I cant understand how to use my python-pytorch model to this framework since I dont know the roadmap.
Are there other options?