i have a query that goes
select count(id), status, "createdAt"::date from "ProjectLog" where "projectId" = (select id from "Project" where slug = ${id}) and "createdAt" > current_date - interval '${interval} day' group by "createdAt"::date, status;
i've also tried user Prisma.sql
to pass the value inside the quotes but it keeps throwing error that it expected 1 argument but fount 2.
i did not have this issue with prisma 2.20.1
this issue is only happening on version 3.3.0
Query: select count(id) as count, status, "createdAt"::date from "ProjectLog" where "projectId" = (select id from "Project" where slug = $1) and "createdAt" > current_date - interval '$2 day' and key notnull group by "createdAt"::date, status
Param: ["main","30"]
Invalid `prisma.queryRaw()` invocation:
Your raw query had an incorrect number of parameters. Expected: `1`, actual: `2`.
code: 'P1016',
clientVersion: '3.3.0',
meta: { expected: 1, actual: 2 }
any suggestions ? i'm not sure if this is a bug.