How do I run the dependabot against the feature branches?
What I'm trying to do, is to find the vulnerabilities of the third-party packages, not yet in the default branch, before deploying them.
Here is my dependabot.yml file configuration which is stored in the .github directory
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: npm
directory: "/"
interval: "daily"
open-pull-requests-limit: 10
# Only allow updates to the lockfile
versioning-strategy: lockfile-only
target-branch: feat/IDPDI-1441
But when I pushed still the dependabot is running against the master branch not in feature branch
If it is relevant, my application is an angular application.
target-branch: "feat/IDPDI-1441"
? According to documentation it has to be in double quotes. At least it works for me like this. And you can see any log errors if you click in Github while in your project to Insights>Dependancy Graph>Dependancies>View Dependabot alerts. And from the Dependabot tab>click on the .josn file to trigger a new check. – Moke