Thymeleaf webflux: Only one data-driver variable is allowed to be specified as a model attribute, but at least two have been identified
Asked Answered



I'm trying to create a dashboard application where multiple widgets get updates through SSE. My DashboardController looks like:

public class DashboardController
    private WidgetService widgetService;

    public DashboardController(WidgetService widgetService)
        this.widgetService = widgetService;

    public String index(final Model model)
        for(WidgetInterface<?> widget : widgetService.getAll()) {
            model.addAttribute("widget-data-driver-" + widget.getIdentifier(),
                    new ReactiveDataDriverContextVariable(widget.getInitialData(), 100));
        model.addAttribute("widgets", widgetService.getAll());
        return "index";

And my WidgetInterface:

public interface WidgetInterface<T>
    public String getIdentifier();
    public String getTitle();
    public String getStreamEndpoint();
    public Flux<T> getInitialData();
    public Map<String, String> getColumns();
    public String getThymeLeafFraction();
    public Date getLastItemDate();
    public Flux<T> getItemsUpdatedSince(Date date);

All is working fine for one widget (from the WidgetService). I'm trying to pass a ReactiveDataDriverContextVariable for each widget to Thymeleaf. But I get the following error:

org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Only one data-driver variable is allowed to be specified as a model attribute, but at least two have been identified: 'widget-data-driver-nufeed' and 'widget-data-driver-weatherapi'

I have two active widgets, one is an RSS feed an one implements weather api. I understand the error, but how to can I set up the reactive variables for multiple widgets?

Update answer based on Angelos comment (2022)

I tried to replace the DashboardController.index method with:

public String index(final Model model, Authentication authentication)
     Flux<WidgetInterface<?>> flux = Flux.just(widgetService.getAll().toArray(new WidgetInterface<?>[0]));
     model.addAttribute("widgets", new ReactiveDataDriverContextVariable(flux));
     return "index";

This is working, except for the fact that now I cannot iterate over my widget.getInitialData() in thymeleaf (this is a fraction file as described above):

<div data-th-each="item : ${widget.getInitialData()}"  th:data-id="@{${}}" id="art">
    <a th:data-lightbox="'' + ${widget.identifier}" th:href="${item.image}">
        <img th:src="'' + ${item.image} + '&w=200&h=200&fit=cover&a=top'" th:data-lightbox="'' + ${widget.identifier}"
             class="rounded d-block user-select-none" style="max-height:100px;max-width:150px;margin-right:10px;" align="left" />
    <h5 th:text="${item.description}" class="card-title"></h5>

This gives this error:

org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "" (template: "art_fraction" - line 1, col 56)
    at org.thymeleaf.spring5.expression.SPELVariableExpressionEvaluator.evaluate( ~[thymeleaf-spring5-3.0.15.RELEASE.jar:3.0.15.RELEASE]
Centerboard answered 11/7, 2022 at 10:14 Comment(5)
may you post also your thymeleaf page?Assuming
as far as i can see [… (…) the ReactiveDataDriverContextVariable can contain a Flux of object; so I guess you should change your code by passing just 1 ReactiveDataDriverContextVariable with a stream of objectsAssuming
This is working, except for the fact that I now I cannot iterate over widget.getInitialData() in thymeleaf which is a flux. So I think Thymeleaf expects a ReactiveDataDriverContextVariable for each Flux object, except there can only be one per template. See my question for the error and what I have tried.Centerboard
the error is saying that Spring EL can't evaluate In the widget interface I see no property id; am I missing anything?Assuming
The widget.getInitialData() returns an entity list, the entity contains the id. I will update the question with a link to a stripped version of my dashboard application so the problem can be seen and analyzed.Centerboard

SpringWebFluxTemplateEngine used by default in the Spring 6 Thymeleaf integration software version 3.0.3 is the standard implementation of ISpringWebFluxTemplateEngine. It's known limitation is that only one variable can be handled as reactive data-driven. Otherwise an exception will be thrown as can be seen in the source code:

    String dataDriverVariableName = null;
    final Set<String> contextVariableNames = context.getVariableNames();
    for (final String contextVariableName : contextVariableNames) {
        final Object contextVariableValue = context.getVariable(contextVariableName);
        if (contextVariableValue instanceof IReactiveDataDriverContextVariable) {
            if (dataDriverVariableName != null) {
                throw new TemplateProcessingException(
                        "Only one data-driver variable is allowed to be specified as a model attribute, but " +
                        "at least two have been identified: '" + dataDriverVariableName + "' " +
                        "and '" + contextVariableName + "'");
            dataDriverVariableName = contextVariableName;

The workaround provided by Angelo Immediata will not help because you need to read data from the widget.getInitialData() Flux and not from widgetService.getAll().

The only solution I can think of is to implement the dashboard as a portlet. Then you can implement two Spring Boot controllers with separate models. One for RSS feed and one for whether API.

Giffie answered 30/1, 2024 at 8:49 Comment(1)
This might indeed be a good workaround. This made me think about another way to load each widget through ajax, so the controller responds with just one widget/ data driver each time. But I see no valid reason in the way thymeleaf has set this up, since one data driver is just too limited.Centerboard

I'd make your template code little bit simpler. I'd change it in this way:


public String index(final Model model, Authentication authentication)
     Flux<WidgetInterface<?>> flux = Flux.just(widgetService.getAll().toArray(new WidgetInterface<?>[0]));
     model.addAttribute("widgets", new ReactiveDataDriverContextVariable(flux));
     return "index";


        <table class="table table-striped">
                <tr data-th-each="myWidget : ${widgets}">

Obviously this is a sample... adapt it to your case


Assuming answered 19/7, 2022 at 17:11 Comment(0)

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