Has anyone written a generic function so that hash
functions can be generated automatically for custom data types (using the deriving
mechanism)? A few times, I've written the following kind of boilerplate,
data LeafExpr = Var Name | Star deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Hashable LeafExpr where
hash (Var name) = 476743 * hash name
hash Star = 152857
This could be generated automatically: the basic idea is that whenever adding data, you multiply by a prime, for example with lists,
hash (x:xs) = hash x + 193847 * hash xs
Essentially, what I'd like to write is
data LeafExpr = ... deriving (Hashable)
Edit 1
Thanks for all of the very helpful responses, everyone. I'll try to add a generic method as an exercise when I have time. For now (perhaps what sclv was referring to?), I realized I could write the slightly better code,
instance Hashable LeafExpr where
hash (Var name) = hash ("Leaf-Var", name)
hash Star = hash "Leaf-Star"
Edit 2
Using ghc, multiplying by random primes works much better than tupling in edit 1. Conflicts with Data.HashTable went from something like 95% (very bad) to 36%. Code is here: [ http://pastebin.com/WD0Xp0T1 ] [ http://pastebin.com/Nd6cBy6G ].
to Data.DeriveTH would be a good TH exercise for someone. If you're unaware, that would mean you could derive Hashable with$( derive makeHashable ''LeafExpr)
– Norvil