I have a basic buddylist type application which is a pub/sub deal in WCF. My problem is one or two of the calls are long running and this blocks up the entire server application (gui updates etc).
Here's my code:
[ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Required,
CallbackContract = typeof(IBuddyListContract))]
public interface IBuddyListPubSubContract
string GetABunchOfDataZipped(String sessionId); // this can take > 20 seconds
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall,
ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]
public class BuddyListPubSubContract : IBuddyListPubSubContract
string GetABunchOfDataZipped(String sessionId)
// do some calculations and data retrival
return result;
So far I have an idea on how to go about it but is there a simpler way?
Idea 1: Have GetABunchOfDataZipped(String sessionId) be a void, when it finishes have another endpoint which on my duplex contract which I hit. I don't like this as ifs a fundamental change in my architecture and if the string is a large block of text over a slow internet connection it will still suffer from the same issue?