I am currently getting into WPF and Caliburn.Micro ,for now without something like MEF or Autofac.
Right now i am trying to execute some code in a viewmodel right after its view becomes visible.
In a related tutorial this code displays a messagebox just before a view is shown:
protected override void OnActivate()
MessageBox.Show("Page Two Activated"); //Don't do this in a real VM.
Mr. Eisenberg then writes this:
Remember, if you have any activation logic that is dependent on the view being already loaded, you should override Screen.OnViewLoaded instead of/in combination with OnActivate.
This is what i have:
protected override void OnViewLoaded(object view)
I also tried it via a Grid EventTrigger and a cal:ActionMessage. But in all three cases the MessageBox appears before the view is visible.
Surely i am missing something, what am i doing wrong?