I need to convert data from a spreadsheet into insert statements in SQL. I've worked out most of the regular expressions for using the find and replace tool in SSMS, but I'm running into an issue when trying to reference the 9th parenthesized item in my final replace.
Here is the original record:
Blue Doe 12/21/1967 1126 Queens Highway Torrance CA 90802 N 1/1/2012
And this is what I need (for now):
select 'Blue','Doe','19671221','1126 Queens Highway','Torrance','CA','90802','N','20120101'
Due to limitations on the number of parenthesized items allowed I have to run through the replace three times. This may work into a stored procedure if I can make first make this work as a POC.
This is the first matching expression:
And the replace: \10\2/0\3/\40\5/0\6/\7
This adds zeros to the months and days so that they have at least two characters.
The next match reformats the dates into the format required in the query (no comments about not using a date field. This is a client requirement for the database).
Matching expression:
And the replace: \1\4\(2,2)\(2,3)\5\8\(2,6)\(2,7)
Finally, the final match inserts the results into the SQL statement that will get used in an insert statement.
Matching expression:
And the replace: select '\1','\2','\3','\4','\5','\6','\7','\8','\9'
It all works except the last replacement. For some reason the \9 is NOT getting the data from the match. If I just replace the whole replace expression with \9 I get a blank space. If I use \8, I get N. If I eliminate the 8th parenthesized item, thus making my 9th item eighth, it returns what I want, 20120101.
So my question is, does SSMS / SQL allow for 9 tagged expressions when using find / replace and regular expressions? Or am I missing something here? I know there are other ways to do this. I'm just trying to get it done quickly as a POC before we move this into a sproc or application.
Thanks for any assistance. -Peter
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