I'm learning c++ and got the project to send a pascal's triangle to output (after n-rows of calculation)., getting output like this, stored in a stringstream "buffer"
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
But what I want is rather
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
My idea was: calculate the difference of the last line and current line length (I know that the last one is the longest). Then pad each row using spaces (half of the line-length-difference). My Problem now is:
- I didn't get how getLine works, neither how I might extract a specific (-> last) line
- I don't know and could not find how to edit one specific line in a stringstream
Somehow I got the feeling that I'm not on the best way using stringstream.
So this is rather a common question: How'd you solve this problem and if possible with stringstreams - how?