By default android Gigerbread 2.3 use PV_Player(opencore library). I found one solution just it should be patched system build.prop file, but I don't want to patch system. I want to create my own library using android media frame work which will use StageFright player. I know that libmediaplayerservice decides the player selection. Have a look at the media framework
I want to create library according to android framework -
But the problem is that libmedia doesn't directly interact with libmediaplayerservice library, it is not directly dependent with libmediaplayerservice library. So that it is unable to create stagefright player. Libmedia communicates with libmediaplayerservice library via Binder IPC mechanism. How can I patch the libmedia source library, so that it can access my libmediaplayerservice library and able to create StageFright player as well as all access of StageFright recorder etc instead of opencore library.