I have an iOS app installed in iPhone from app store, now if I have an updated version 1.1 for the same app at app store and I'm getting some sort of informative alert from the older version 1.0 (New version is available...).
If I click on alertview's ok button, it redirects me to the new app link in browser. I download my new version then.
Please provide answers of following questions :
- Will it replace old version?
- Will it replace sqlite and image folder on the document path? (Both version is having same named sqlite file, say abc.sqlite1.0 and same folder name, say imagesToBeCopied)
- Will it append the sqlite entitie rows with new rows for same entity?
- How can I install version 1.0 again from app store? Is it possible to get it anyhow?
Please provide your valuable answers on it, which can help me out to reach to some solution.