I've created a left and right navigation button using only a single SVG background image and flipping it horizontally to get the other direction. This works fine in all browsers which support CSS 2D transforms except Internet Explorer 9. Basically the CSS looks like this:
div.nav-left, div.nav-right {
background-image: url('TriangleArrow-Right.svg');
div.nav-left {
-webkit-transform: scaleX(-1);
-ms-transform: scaleX(-1);
transform: scaleX(-1);
I've created a jsFiddle which correctly looks like this in Internet Explorer 10, Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc.:
But actually looks like this in IE9:
I've included a greater-than sign to illustrate in which direction the buttons should point. And actually you can see, that IE9 applies the transform correctly to the text, but does the total opposite for the SVG background image.
If I change the SVG background image to a PNG, everything works correctly in IE9 however, see this jsFiddle.
I was unable to find any information on this. It seems to be a bug, as IE9 should support CSS transforms and SVGs as CSS background correctly.