Is it possible to use Ensime and SBT to go to the definition of Scala library classes?
I know it is possible to see the definition of elements (using M-. or Control+Left-Click) and from there it's possible to see the doc page. Is there any way to tie this functionality into src as well?
my project config (.ensime file):
:root-dir "/Users/eugene/tmp/scrap"
:sources (
:reference-source-roots (
:compile-deps (
:target "/Users/eugene/tmp/scrap"
/usr/local/Cellar/scala/2.9.2/libexec/src contains:
scala-compiler-src.jar scala-library-src.jar scala-swing-src.jar
scala-dbc-src.jar scala-partest-src.jar scalap-src.jar
name := "scrap"
version := "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
scalaVersion := "2.9.2"