I haven't found a single good discussion system that combines the power of a forum with the dynamism and convenience of a threaded, on the fly comment system like Disqus/Slashdot/Reddit.
I am wanting to create a discussion system using Disqus in wordpress that works as a traditional forum on the front end, where users can create new categories and subcategories, which are in turn ordered according to the last replies, in descending order. Currently I'm trying and comparing Disqus with bbPress + Threaded comments.
I did find a previous discussion on stackoverflow, which gave a link to the API for disqus forums.
But I can't seem to find a simple example of a website using it. I really would like to see it in use before I start integrating it into my site! Does anyone know of an example?
Furthermore, will the forum API do what I would like to do, mentioned above? It looks like listThreads might come close, but it's not clear what the difference is between a "post" and a "thread". Also, while there is a create option for forums and a listCategories option, it is not clear how one would create categories and subcategories in the first place. Again, it would all be clear if I had an example to see.