I'm trying to model data that's organised as a hierarchical tree using a closure table. The entries that will represent nodes in the tree are nothing fancy and are defined as follows.
class Region(models.Model):
RegionGuid = models.CharField(max_length=40, unique=True, db_column='RegionGUID', blank=True)
CustomerId = models.IntegerField(null=True, db_column='CustomerID', blank=True)
RegionName = models.CharField(max_length=256, db_column='RegionName', blank=True)
Description = models.TextField(db_column="Description", blank=True)
class Meta:
db_table = u'Region'
The paths between the nodes are defined using the following closure table. It consists of a FK to the ancestor node, FK to the descendant node and the path length (i.e. number of nodes) between Ancestor and Descendant:
class RegionPath(models.Model):
Ancestor = models.ForeignKey(Region, null=True, db_column='Ancestor', blank=True)
Descendant = models.ForeignKey(Region, null=True, db_column='Descendant', blank=True)
PathLength = models.IntegerField(null=True, db_column='PathLength', blank=True)
class Meta:
db_table = u'RegionPath'
Now how would I retrieve all Region
rows and their respective parent node (i.e. where the RegionPath.PathLength = 1)? My SQL is slightly rusty but I think the SQL query should look something like this.
SELECT r.* from Region as r
(SELECT r2.RegionName, p.Ancestor, p.Descendant from Region as r2 INNER JOIN RegionPath as p on r2.id = p.Ancestor WHERE p.PathLength = 1) AS Parent
on r.id = Parent.Descendant
Any help in expressing this using Django's QuerySet API would be much appreciated.