I'm using HaskellPlatform-2012.4.0.0 on Win7. It's installed as portable. Paths are managed through .bat file so ghci and ghc works. Cabal config and folder are made semi-portable with this.
The problem is ghc
folder. It installs itself in C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\ghc\i386-mingw32-7.4.1.
How to change it's default path? So I can have really portable Haskell on windows :)
EDIT: There are 3 new system variables that do nothing. Here are results:
SET APPDATA=%~dp0AppData -- has no effect. ghc is still made in roaming
SET USERPROFILE=%~dp0 -- kills cabal
SET LOCALAPPDATA=%~dp0Local --not sure if this is ever used.
directory storing? I see a the ghci history, but what's the architecture specific folder? – Premillenarian