I have seen many questions asking how to get the SMS sender's phone number, but not the recipient's phone number. I have used the tool on this site to generate a PDU and can see the recipient's phone number in it:
Useful PDU details and PDU translation tool
However, I don't see anywhere in the SmsMessage class provided by Android where I can get the recipient's phone number. The reason I want to do this is that I have a Dual SIM phone, but don't see anywhere in Android where I can determine what SIM port is being used for the incoming SMS. At the very least, I want to look at each SMS message and determine what phone number they were sent to.
This question seems very similar to mine but with no answers:
How to get SMS recipient's phone number in Android
My question is different because I have detailed a link to a site about PDUs, which may be useful for extracting the phone number form the raw PDU bytes that the SmsMessage class provides.
Any ideas?