D3 and NVD3 don't have a function to do this. Your best bet is to insert your missing values. Some CoffeeScript that uses some Underscore utilities, but d3 had many of the same functions, so you shouldn't need to necessarily depend on Underscore if you don't need it. First you get the list of domain values, then you insert your missing values.
The method getDomainValues takes data and a dimensions (a key) and pulls all the values to get the set of domain values. If you had data like:
key : a
values : [ {x: 4, y:1}, {x: 5, y:1}, {x: 7, y:1} ]
key : b
values : [ {x: 1, y:10}, {x: 2, y:5}, {x: 3, y:0} ]
It would return:
getDomainValues = (data, dimension) ->
_.uniq _.flatten _.map data, (item) -> _.pluck(item.values, dimension)
The method insertValues inserts default values (most commonly 0) for dimension values not present in the values array. It sorts by dimension.
If you had data like:
key : a
values : [ {x: 4, y:1}, {x: 2, y:1}, {x: 1, y:1} ]
And supplied a domain [0, 1,2,3,4,5] and a value of -10 you'd get:
key : a
values : [ {x: 0, y:-10}, {x: 1, y:1}, {x: 2, y:1}, {x: 3, y:-10}, {x: 4, y:1}, {x: 5, y: -10}]
insertValues = (data, value, dimension, metric, domain)->
defaults = {}
for item in domain
v = {}
v[dimension] = item
v[metric] = value
defaults[item] = v
_.each data, (item) ->
vals = _.groupBy( item.values, (i) -> i[dimension])
vals = _.flatten _.values _.defaults vals, defaults
vals = _.sortBy vals, dimension
item.values = vals
So you might call them like this:
data = [
{ key:"line 1", values: [ {x:1, y:1}, {x:2, y:2} ] },
{ key:"line 2" , values: [ {x:1, y:1}, {x:2, y:2}, {x:3, y:3} ] }
domain = getDomainValues data, 'x'
filledData = insertValues data, 0, 'x', 'y', domain
See it in JavaScript: https://gist.github.com/FaKod/e6724675e4ebaf9f8fa4
function to draw the paths then certainly there's no built-in way to tell it to draw more points than there are elements in the array. It does have adefined()
method, which could come into play here, but you'd have to fill your array with those "undefined" elements beforehand. I also doubt that nvd3 has anything to handle this, but haven't checked. – Felix