I found this project on GitHub; it was the only search term returned for "nimrod matrix". I took the bare bones of it and changed it a little bit so that it compiled without errors, and then I added the last two lines to build a simple matrix, and then output a value, but the "getter" function isn't working for some reason. I adapted the instructions for adding properties found here, but something isn't right.
Here is my code so far. I'd like to use the GNU Scientific Library from within Nimrod, and I figured that this was the first logical step.
TMatrix*[T] = object
transposed: bool
dataRows: int
dataCols: int
data: seq[T]
proc index[T](x: TMatrix[T], r,c: int): int {.inline.} =
if r<0 or r>(x.rows()-1):
raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "matrix index out of range")
if c<0 or c>(x.cols()-1):
raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "matrix index out of range")
result = if x.transposed: c*x.dataCols+r else: r*x.dataCols+c
proc rows*[T](x: TMatrix[T]): int {.inline.} =
## Returns the number of rows in the matrix `x`.
result = if x.transposed: x.dataCols else: x.dataRows
proc cols*[T](x: TMatrix[T]): int {.inline.} =
## Returns the number of columns in the matrix `x`.
result = if x.transposed: x.dataRows else: x.dataCols
proc matrix*[T](rows, cols: int, d: openarray[T]): TMatrix[T] =
## Constructor. Initializes the matrix by allocating memory
## for the data and setting the number of rows and columns
## and sets the data to the values specified in `d`.
result.dataRows = rows
result.dataCols = cols
newSeq(result.data, rows*cols)
if len(d)>0:
if len(d)<(rows*cols):
raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "insufficient data supplied in matrix constructor")
for i in countup(0,rows*cols-1):
result.data[i] = d[i]
proc `[][]`*[T](x: TMatrix[T], r,c: int): T =
## Element access. Returns the element at row `r` column `c`.
result = x.data[x.index(r,c)]
proc `[][]=`*[T](x: var TMatrix[T], r,c: int, a: T) =
## Sets the value of the element at row `r` column `c` to
## the value supplied in `a`.
x.data[x.index(r,c)] = a
var m = matrix( 2, 2, [1,2,3,4] )
echo( $m[0][0] )
This is the error I get:
c:\program files (x86)\nimrod\config\nimrod.cfg(36, 11) Hint: added path: 'C:\Users\H127\.babel\libs\' [Path]
Hint: used config file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimrod\config\nimrod.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: mat [Processing]
mat.nim(48, 9) Error: type mismatch: got (TMatrix[int], int literal(0))
but expected one of:
system.[](a: array[Idx, T], x: TSlice[Idx]): seq[T]
system.[](a: array[Idx, T], x: TSlice[int]): seq[T]
system.[](s: string, x: TSlice[int]): string
system.[](s: seq[T], x: TSlice[int]): seq[T]
Thanks you guys!