I took the matlab
code from this tutorial Texture Segmentation Using Gabor Filters.
To test clustering
algorithms on the resulting multi-dimensional texture
responses to gabor filters
, I applied Gaussian Mixture
and Fuzzy C-means
instead of the K-means
to compare their results (number of clusters = 2 in all of the cases):
Original image:
K-means clusters:
L = kmeans(X, 2, 'Replicates', 5);
GMM clusters:
options = statset('MaxIter',1000);
gmm = fitgmdist(X, 2, 'Options', options);
L = cluster(gmm, X);
Fuzzy C-means:
[centers, U] = fcm(X, 2);
[values indexes] = max(U);
What I've found weird in this case is that K-means
clusters are more accurate than those extracted using GMM
and Fuzzy C-means
Can anyone explain to me if the high-dimensionality (L x W x 26
: 26 is the number of gabor filters
used) of the data given as input to the GMM
and the Fuzzy C-means
classifiers is what's causing the clustering to be less accurate?
In other words is the GMM
and the Fuzzy C-means
clustering more sensitive to the dimensionality of the data, than K-means
and higher quality initialization (k-means++). k-means isGMM
under a spherical-covariance assumption, so in theory it shouldn't do much better. I think most of the discrepancy comes down to initialization. You should be able to test this by using the k-means result as initial conditions forGMM
. – Konya