I was curious if anybody knows a way to connect two different computers together over a USB line and what API's exist to program this interface.
For Serial Ports its common to buy a "Null Modem" adapter to cross over the Transmit and Receive lines of the UART so that the computers can talk together. And then You would read and write them like normal windows files over special system files called "COM1", "COM2", etc.
I was wondering if there was an Adapter of some kind that could emulate this same behavior except for native USB protocol. I realize they have USB-to-UART adapters. That's not really what i'm interested in because the baud rate is very slow for uarts. I was looking for something with USB speeds to transfer from one computer to another that is not going over a network link such as ethernet or wifi.
This is what I have: COMPUTER A<-->USB<-->UART<-->NULL_MODEM<-->UART<--->USB<-->COMPUTER B Speed 110,000 Baud, whatever... to slow to transfer files... ok for text...
This is what I want:
COMPUTER A<-->USB<-->Crossover_Adapter<--->USB<-->COMPUTER B Speed 480 megabits per second
Assuming this beast exists, how do you program it and where do you buy it?