I am using Amazon MWS Orders API for fetching the orders so for that I hit the ListOrder API that gives me the order details which have status as:
pending, shipped, unshipped, cancel
I got the buyer information where orderStatus is shipped,unshipped. As stated in documentation of Amazon orderList:-
For unshipped, Partiallyshipped, Shipped orderStatus we get the following information for Buyer i.e:- BuyerEmail, BuyerName, Shipping Address, OrderTotal.
But I am integrating my Application for handle my Amazon order pragmatically .And on that case I want as any new order is placed than all the info of that order with buyer details like buyer-name, email,Shipping address etc are also there so that I know which buyer place a new order same in case of cancel so that I can show them on my Application.
So please let me know how can I get those buyer details for pending orders as well as for canceled orders.Is there any API or attribute I need to send or I am missing something or should I need to generate report every time to achieve that.