Remove trailing null character at the end of a PDF file using PHP, . This is independent of OS
This script uses PHP to remove a trailing NULL value at the end of a binary file, solving a crashing issue that was triggered by the NULL value. You can edit this script to remove all NULL characters, but seeing it done once will help you understand how this works.
We were receiving PDF's from a 3rd party that we needed to upload to our system using a PDF library. In the files being sent to us, there was a null value that was sometimes being appended to the PDF file. When our system processed these files, files that had the trailing NULL value caused the system to crash.
Originally we were using sed but sed behaves differently on Macs and Linux machines. We needed a platform independent method to extract the trailing null value. Php was the best option. Also, it was a PHP application so it made sense :)
This script performs the following operation:
Take the binary file, convert it to HEX (binary files don't like exploding by new lines or carriage returns), explode the string using carriage return as the delimiter, pop the last member of the array if the value is null, implode the array using carriage return, process the file.
//In this case we are getting the file as a string from another application.
// We use this line to get a sample bad file.
$fd = file_get_contents($filename);
//We trim leading and tailing whitespace and convert the string into hex
$bin2hex = trim(bin2hex($fd));
//We create an array using carriage return as the delminiter
$bin2hex_ex = explode('0d0a', $bin2hex);
//look at the last element. if the last element is equal to 00 we pop it off
$end = end($bin2hex_ex);
if($end === '00') {
//we implode the array using carriage return as the glue
$bin2hex = implode('0d0a', $bin2hex_ex);
//the new string no longer has the null character at the EOF
$fd = hex2bin($bin2hex);