Most of the examples I see are people inserting a single row into a database with the ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE syntax.
Does anyone have any examples using SQLAlchemy or pandas.to_sql?
99% of my inserts are using psycopg2 COPY command (so I save a csv or stringio and then bulk insert), and the other 1% are pd.to_sql. All of my logic to check for new rows or dimensions is done in Python.
def find_new_rows(existing, current, id_col):
current[id_col] = current[id_col].astype(int)
x = existing[['datetime', id_col, 'key1']]
y = current[['datetime', id_col, 'key2']]
final = pd.merge(y, x, how='left', on=['datetime', id_col])
final = final[~(final['key2'] == final['key1'])]
final = final.drop(['key1'], axis=1)
current = pd.merge(current, final, how='left', on=['datetime', id_col])
current = current.loc[current['key2_y'] == 1]
current.drop(['key2_x', 'key2_y'], axis=1, inplace=True)
return current
Can someone show me an example of using the new PostgreSQL syntax for upsert with pyscopg2? A common use case is to check for dimension changes (between 50k - 100k rows daily which I compare to existing values) which is CONFLICT DO NOTHING to only add new rows.
Another use case is that I have fact data which changes over time. I only take the most recent value (I currently use a view to select distinct), but it would be better to UPSERT, if possible.