Short version
When I run my application in IE11, I get an error saying Promise is undefined
from within the manifest.js file.
How do I add babel-polyfill
or similar such that it runs before the manifest is executed?
Long version
I am trying to add CommonsChunkPlugin to my webpack config in order to split off third party (npm package) scripts into a separate bundle. As per the Webpack 2 documentation I have set up "combined implicit common vendor chunks and manifest file" which is working well in modern browsers.
I have written a function to ensure that the chunks get included into my index file in the right order (see below).
A bit of background on my two explicit entry points:
- legacy_libs - Older libraries that are placed into the global namespace with
. I hope to phase these out over time - main - My main app entry point
The other two (vendor and manifest) are implicit and created with CommonsChunkPlugin.
When I run this with IE11, I get an error: Promise is undefined
. This seems to be because the webpack manifest itself is calling new Promise()
In my main entry point I have import 'babel-polyfill';
. Before I added the vendor & manifest chunking, this allowed me to overcome IE's lack of Promises. But now that I have manifest.js loading first, I can't work out how to include it in the right order.
My config looks like so:
module.exports = {
entry: {
legacy_libs: './app/libs.js',
main: './app/main.js'
plugins: [
// Extract third party libraries into a separate vendor bundle.
// Also extract webpack manifest into its own bundle (to prevent vendor hash changing when app source changes)
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'vendor',
minChunks: function (module) {
return module.context && module.context.indexOf('node_modules') !== -1;
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'manifest'
// Generate index.html file.
// Include script bundles in the right order based on chunk name prefixes.
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: 'app/index.ejs',
chunksSortMode: function (a, b) {
const chunkOrder = ['manifest', 'vendor', 'legacy_libs', 'main'];
const aChunk = chunkOrder.findIndex(chunk => a.names[0].startsWith(chunk));
const bChunk = chunkOrder.findIndex(chunk => b.names[0].startsWith(chunk));
const aValue = (aChunk > -1) ? aChunk : chunkOrder.length;
const bValue = (bChunk > -1) ? bChunk : chunkOrder.length;
return aValue - bValue;