A simple example illustrates my problem.
In essence, I am working on a large project that has code split across multiple repositories. In repo 1 there is an Avro schema "S1" defined in an .avdl file which gets compiled into its Avro generated class.
In repo 2, which pulls the compiled artifacts of repo 1 in as dependencies, I need to create a new schema that has multiple records and also needs to embed the "S1" schema of repo 1.
In repo 2 I have an IDL file that has all of the repo 2 schemas, but I can find no way to include the schema of repo 1 in this IDL. I cannot import it since in repo 2 I have no access to the schema file in repo 1. I do have access to the Avro generated class from repo 1, but IDL does not appear to support a way to reference that.
How can I do this? If this is impossible in IDL, how would I do this in JSON? -- Thanks!
. I am not sure if any configuration is missed. Do you have an example whether you imports IDL from another repo. It would be helpfully. I am currently working around is copying same files from other repos. But its very clumsy – Roundly