How to set session attributes in restassured? In my application code we have something like this
String userId= request.getSession().getAttribute("userid")
How to set userId as session attribute here(in restassured test case)?
How to maintain the same session for all the requests(multiple subsequent requests)?
When i send multiple requests, it's considering every request as new and session is getting invalidated from server side, i want to maintain session between subsequent calls.
I tried setting jsessionid in the cookie and sent it in the second request, but when i debugged in the server side, it's not loading the session which was created, instead it's creating different session and because of this its doesn't show the attribute which i have set in the session when i first sent the request.
When i tried the same with direct HttpClient, it working, where as the same with RestAssured it's not working.
Code which was working with HttpClient is this
HttpClient httpClient = util.getHttpClient();
//1st request
HttpResponse response=httpClient.execute(postRequest);
from response i have extracted the jessionid and set this in the second request
HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet(Client.endPointUrl);
getRequest.addHeader("content-type", "application/json");
getRequest.addHeader("accept", "application/json");
getRequest.addHeader("Origin", Client.endPointUrl);
getRequest.addHeader("Referer", Client.endPointUrl);
getRequest.addHeader("Auth-Token", authToken);
getRequest.addHeader("Set-Cookie", jsessionId);
//2nd request after setting the jessionid which i have extracted from the response
HttpResponse eventsResponse = httpClient.execute(getRequest);
Above code is working perfectly fine and i am getting expected response. One observation is i am using the same httpClient Object for invoking both the requests.
Where as i if i try the same using RestAssured, it's not working.
RestAssured.baseURI = "http://localhost:8080";
Response response=RestAssured.given().header("Content-Type","application/json").
JsonPath js=Util.rawToJson(response);
String sessionId=js.get("sessionID");
for (Header header:response.getHeaders()) {
if ("Set-Cookie".equals(header.getName())) {
id= header.getValue().split(";")[0].trim();
String[] arr=jsessionId.split("=");
I tried reusing the same httpclient for all the requests using the following, but it didn't work
RestAssured.config = RestAssured.config().httpClient( new HttpClientConfig().reuseHttpClientInstance());