I started a new application for Text Recognition of file numbers onto shelves and I used the following ML Kit Text Recognition on Youtube: Tutorial ML KIT Text Recognition
It works perfectly as long as the file numbers are written horizontally. When the text is oriented vertically and I turn the phone in landscape position, the application take into account the orientation and the textrecognition doesn't work anymore.
I tried to add both
<activity android:name=".NameOfTheActivity" android:screenOrientation="portrait">
in the manifest and
or even
into the onCreate method. The activity stays in portrait mode even if the phone is in landscape position. However, the text recognition still doesn't work when using my phone in landscape position.
The corresponding parts of the Activity code are the following :
//Event Camera View
cameraView.addCameraKitListener(new CameraKitEventListener() {
public void onEvent(CameraKitEvent cameraKitEvent) {
public void onError(CameraKitError cameraKitError) {
public void onImage(CameraKitImage cameraKitImage) {
//Show Dialog
//Processing image
Bitmap bitmap = cameraKitImage.getBitmap();
bitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, cameraView.getWidth(), cameraView.getHeight(), false);
public void onVideo(CameraKitVideo cameraKitVideo) {
private void recognizeText(Bitmap bitmap) {
FirebaseVisionImage image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromBitmap(bitmap);
FirebaseVisionTextRecognizer textRecognizer = FirebaseVision.getInstance().getOnDeviceTextRecognizer();
.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<FirebaseVisionText>() {
public void onSuccess(FirebaseVisionText firebaseVisionText) {
}).addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
public void onFailure(@NonNull Exception e) {
Log.d("EDMT_ERROR", e.getMessage());
Does anyone has some tip to make it work or knows a tutorial that works ? I have seen an example here : Firebase example in which they use a media.Image object to take into account the orientation. As I don't know how to modify the original code (which use a bitmap ), I was just trying to "deactivate" the orientation sensor so that the image/bitmap taken are exactly the same whether I am using my phone in portrait or landscape position. In that case, the recognizeText(bitmap) method should return the same answers in both case.