I want to extract (free) historic weather data for some countries (more specificaly the provinces / states in some countries) via latitude / longitude and I need the results as a .csv file or pandas data frame. I tried the wrapper for forecast.io / DarkSky (https://zeevgilovitz.com/python-forecast.io/) but it is limited to 1000 requests per day. So i was wondering if there is any API that is free, returns a pandas data frame or .csv format and that supports langitude / longitude requests?
Here is what I tried (and what is also working if you only want 1000 requests per day).
lat = 30
lng = 5
start_date = datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1)
attributes = ["temperature", "humidity", "pressure", "windSpeed"]
def getWeatherData(lat, lng, start_date, attributes):
times = []
data = {}
for attr in attributes:
data[attr] = []
for offset in range(1, 1000):
forecast = forecastio.load_forecast(api_key, lat, lng, time=start_date+datetime.timedelta(offset), units="us")
h = forecast.hourly()
d = h.data
for p in d:
for attr in attributes:
weather_data = pd.DataFrame(data, index=times)
return weather_data