Let's say I have a saga that looks so:
export function* incrementAsync(action) {
try {
const res = yield call(Api.signin.create, action.payload);
yield put({
payload: res.data.auth
} catch (e) {
yield put({ type: USER_SIGN_IN_FETCH_ERROR_NETWORK });
The fech was a success, but that doesn't mean that the user was actually logged in:
could be true
My question is whether I should do things like:
if (//user was succesfully logged in)
yield put(//user was successfully logged in)
else if //wrong username
yield put(//wrong username)
else if //wrong password
yield put(//wrong password)
Or should I have only one for success and one for error, and in the reducer analyze the logic and build the store relative to the response data?
only makes sense if there's some kind of loading animation going on, since it's not necessarily a login success. The saga should yield meaningful actions, so your whole logic is clearer, and easier to debug through the Redux dev tools. – GaseousSTARTED
, etc.) and the rest of the logic goes into my API integration code (mostly vanilla JS wrapping API calls returning promises). – Gaseousselector
for data analyze – Conglobate