I'm trying to write a concrete syntax for this grammar (from Chapter 6 in Grammatical Framework: Programming with Multilingual Grammars):
abstract Arithm = {
flags startcat = Prop ;
Prop ; -- proposition
Nat ; -- natural number
Zero : Nat ; -- 0
Succ : Nat -> Nat ; -- the successor of x
Even : Nat -> Prop ; -- x is even
And : Prop -> Prop -> Prop ; -- A and B
There are predefined categories for integer, float and string literals (Int
, Float
and String
), and they can be used as arguments to functions, but they may not be value types of any function.
In addition, they may not be used as a field in a linearisation type. This is what I would like to do, using plus
defined in Predef.gf:
concrete ArithmEng of Arithm =
open Predef, SymbolicEng, SyntaxEng, ParadigmsEng in
Prop = S ;
Nat = {s : NP ; n : Int} ;
Zero = mkNat 0 ;
Succ nat = let n' : Int = Predef.plus nat.n 1 in mkNat n' ;
Even nat = mkS (mkCl nat.s (mkA "even")) ;
And p q = mkS and_Conj p q ;
mkNat : Int -> Nat ;
mkNat int = lin Nat {s = symb int ; n = int} ;
} ;
But of course, this does not work: I get the error "linearization type field cannot be Int".
Maybe the right answer to my question is to use another programming language, but I am curious, because this example is left as an exercise to the reader in the GF book, so I would expect it to be solvable.
I can write a unary solution, using the category Digits
from Numeral.gf
concrete ArithmEng of Arithm =
open SyntaxEng, ParadigmsEng, NumeralEng, SymbolicEng, Prelude in {
Prop = S ;
Nat = {s : NP ; d : Digits ; isZero : Bool} ;
Zero = {s = mkNP (mkN "zero") ; d = IDig D_0 ; isZero = True} ;
Succ nat = case nat.isZero of {
True => mkNat (IDig D_1) ;
False => mkNat (IIDig D_1 nat.d) } ;
Even nat = mkS (mkCl nat.s (mkA "even")) ;
And p q = mkS and_Conj p q ;
mkNat : Digits -> Nat ;
mkNat digs = lin Nat {s = symb (mkN "number") digs ; d = digs ; isZero = False} ;
} ;
This produces the following results:
Arithm> l -bind Even Zero
zero is even
0 msec
Arithm> l -bind Even (Succ Zero)
number 1 is even
0 msec
Arithm> l -bind Even (Succ (Succ (Succ Zero)))
number 111 is even
This is of course a possible answer, but I suspect this is not the way the exercise was intended to be solved. So I wonder if I'm missing something, or if the GF language used to support more operations on Ints?