I am trying to implement a Expectation Maximization algorithm using TensorFlow and TensorFlow Probability. It worked very well until I tried to implement Missing Data (data can contain NaN values in some random dimensions).
The problem is that with Missing Data I can no longer do all the operations as vector operations, I have to work with indexing and for-loops, like this:
# Here we iterate through all the data samples
for i in range(n):
# x_i is the sample i
x_i = tf.expand_dims(x[:, i], 1)
gamma.append(estimate_gamma(x_i, pi, norm, ber))
est_x_n_i = []
est_xx_n_i = []
est_x_b_i = []
for j in range(k):
mu_k = norm.mean()[j, :]
sigma_k = norm.covariance()[j, :, :]
rho_k = ber.mean()[j, :]
est_x_n_i.append(estimate_x_norm(x_i[:d, :], mu_k, sigma_k))
est_xx_n_i.append(estimate_xx_norm(x_i[:d, :], mu_k, sigma_k))
est_x_b_i.append(estimate_x_ber(x_i[d:, :], rho_k))
What I found out was that these operations are not very efficient. While the first samples took about less than 1 second per sample, after 50 samples it took about 3 seconds per sample. I guess that this was happening because I was creating different tensors inside the session and that was messing up the memory or something.
I am quite new using TensorFlow and a lot of people only use TensorFlow for Deep Learning and Neural Networks so I couldn't find a solution for this.
Then I tried to implement the previous for-loop and the functions called inside that loop using only numpy arrays and numpy operations. But this returned the following error:
You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'Placeholder_4' with dtype double and shape [8,18]
This error happens because when it tries to execute the numpy functions inside the loop, the placeholder has not been fed yet.
pi_k, mu_k, sigma_k, rho_k, gamma_ik, exp_loglik = exp_max_iter(x, pi, dist_norm, dist_ber)
pi, mu, sigma, rho, responsability, NLL[i + 1] = sess.run([pi_k, mu_k, sigma_k, rho_k, gamma_ik, exp_loglik],{x: samples})
Is there any way to solve this? Thanks.
? – Ditf.py_func
, here is one working example github.com/Johswald/Bayesian-FlowNet/blob/master/flownet.py . In case you decide to migrate your code to pure tf, there should be methods in tf to help remove/ignore missing data - if you choose this route, search for solutions in SO and if you aren't able to solve it, you can create a new question. – Di