I'm trying to test the ExecutionContext
behaviour in a play app, and found that I'm not able to achieve any degree of parallelism when I'm using the default dispatcher either by calling as.dispatcher
, as.dispatchers.lookup("akka.actor.default-dispatcher")
or passing the default execution context as a parameter to my Controller class:
class HomeController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext)
I'm building on the play examples available in here. And adding/altering the following configuration:
GET /futures controllers.HomeController.testFutures(dispatcherId: String)
akka {
my-dispatcher {
executor = "fork-join-executor"
fork-join-executor {
# vm-cores = 4
parallelism-min = 4
parallelism-factor = 2.0
# 2x vm-cores
parallelism-max = 8
actor.default-dispatcher {
executor = "fork-join-executor"
fork-join-executor {
# vm-cores = 4
parallelism-min = 4
parallelism-factor = 2.0
# 2x vm-cores
parallelism-max = 8
class HomeController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents, as: ActorSystem) extends AbstractController(cc) {
import HomeController._
def testFutures(dispatcherId: String) = Action.async { implicit request =>
implicit val dispatcher = as.dispatchers.lookup(dispatcherId)
Future.sequence((0 to 10).map(i => Future {
val time = 1000 + Random.nextInt(200)
log.info(s"Sleeping #$i for $time ms")
log.info(s"Awakening #$i")
})).map(_ => Ok("ok"))
For some reason, calls to http://localhost:9000/futures?dispatcherId=akka.actor.default-dispatcher
(default dispatcher) don't parallelize and produce the following output:
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #0 for 1044 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #0
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #1 for 1034 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #1
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #2 for 1031 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #2
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #3 for 1065 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #3
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #4 for 1082 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #4
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #5 for 1057 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #5
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #6 for 1090 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #6
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #7 for 1165 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #7
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #8 for 1173 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #8
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #9 for 1034 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #9
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #10 for 1056 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #10
But calls to this http://localhost:9000/futures?dispatcherId=akka.my-dispatcher
(using another dispatcher) parallelize correclty and produce the following output.
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #1 for 1191 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #0 for 1055 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #7 for 1196 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #4 for 1121 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #6 for 1040 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #2 for 1016 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #5 for 1107 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #3 for 1165 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #2
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #8 for 1002 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #6
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #9 for 1127 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #0
[info] c.HomeController - Sleeping #10 for 1016 ms
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #5
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #4
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #3
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #1
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #7
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #8
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #10
[info] c.HomeController - Awakening #9
Any ideas why this could be happening?
and every future call using that same dispatcher from there without theblocking
hint will cause thisbatch
serialization because of theThreadLocal
flagging. Using another dispatcher for the future would cause thebatch
not to happen, since the http hadling thread is different. I believe that if I were to run futures from inside a thread of the other dispatcher the same would occur. Thanks! – Naturalist