I have a package with a function foo
which uses rlang::fn_fmls()
and rlang::fn_fmls()<-
#' @importFrom rlang fn_fmls missing_arg
foo <- function(x) {
args <- rlang::fn_fmls(x)
args <- c(args, bar = rlang::missing_arg())
rlang::fn_fmls(x) <- args
Using roxygen2, I obviously need to document this function with an @importFrom rlang ...
in order to get those functions declared in my NAMESPACE. However, does the inclusion of fn_flms
there also handle the declaration of fn_fmls<-
? Or does it also need to be included separately? If so, how? @importFrom rlang fn_fmls<-
? "fn_fmls()<-"