I want to use the TFIDFVectorizer (or CountVectorizer followed by TFIDFTransformer) to get a vector representation of my terms. That means, I want a vector for a term where the documents are the features. That's simply the transpose of a TF-IDF matrix created by the TFIDFVectorizer.
>>> vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
>>> model = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)
>>> model.transpose()
However, I have 800k documents which mean my term vectors are very sparse and very large (800k dimensions). The flag max_features
in the CountVectorizer would do exactly what I'm looking for. I can specify a dimension and the CountVectorizer tries to fit all information into this dimension. Unfortunately, this option is for the document vectors rather than the terms in the vocabulary. Hence, it reduces the size of my vocabulary because the terms are the features.
Is there any way to do the opposite? Like, perform a transpose on the TFIDFVectorizer object before it starts cutting and normalizing everything? And if such an approach exists, how can I do that? Something like this:
>>> countVectorizer = CountVectorizer(input='filename', max_features=300, transpose=True)
I was looking for such an approach for a while now but every guide, code example, whatever is talking about the document TF-IDF vectors rather than the term vectors. Thank you so much in advance!
does but for the term vectors (vectors in the dictionary) rather than the document vectors. – Emeraldemergemax_features
option but for the vocabulary vectors. So that my vocabulary vectors have dimension 300 when I setmax_features=300
. – Emeraldemergemax_features =300
now, it reduce the vocabulary itself to 300... I do not want to reduce the size of the vocabulary but of the vocabulary vectors. – Emeraldemerge