I am trying to call a twitter endpoint that gives you a constant streams of json results back to the client
I try to make a call to the endpoint like this
val url = "https://api.twitter.com/2/tweets/search/stream"
_streamChannel = _client.get<ByteReadChannel>(token, url) //Stops here
val byteBufferSize = 1024
val byteBuffer = ByteArray(byteBufferSize)
_streamChannel?.let {
while (_streamChannel!!.availableForRead > 0) {
_streamChannel!!.readAvailable(byteBuffer, 0, byteBufferSize)
val s = String(byteBuffer)
parseStreamResponseString(s).forEach {
my client.get
code is this
suspend inline fun <reified T> get(authKey: String, url: String): T? {
val response = _client.get<HttpResponse>(url) {
header("Authorization", "Bearer $authKey")
when (response.status.value) {
in 300..399 -> throw RedirectResponseException(response)
in 400..499 -> throw ClientRequestException(response)
in 500..599 -> throw ServerResponseException(response)
if (response.status.value >= 600) {
throw ResponseException(response)
return response.receive<T>()
When I make the request it just sits there in what I am assuming is waiting for the full response to be returned before giving it to me.
I also tried using scoped streaming but it just sits at the line readAvailable
I know there are messages coming through because when I run the request via cURL
I am constantly getting data
_client.get<HttpStatement> {
header("Authorization", "Bearer $authKey")
method = HttpMethod.Get
}.execute {
val streamChannel = it.receive<ByteReadChannel>()
val byteBufferSize = 1024
val byteBuffer = ByteArray(byteBufferSize)
streamChannel.readAvailable(byteBuffer, 0, byteBufferSize) // Stops here
val s = String(byteBuffer)
How do I process a constant stream of json data using Ktor?