I'm trying to convert a query from Redshift to Snowflake SQL.
The Redshift query looks like this:
cr.creatives as creatives
, JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH(cr.creatives) as creatives_length
, JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT(JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TEXT (cr.creatives,0),'previewUrl') as preview_url
FROM campaign_revisions cr
The Snowflake query looks like this:
cr.creatives as creatives
, ARRAY_SIZE(TO_ARRAY(ARRAY_CONSTRUCT(cr.creatives))) as creatives_length
, PARSE_JSON(PARSE_JSON(cr.creatives)[0]):previewUrl as preview_url
FROM campaign_revisions cr
It seems like JSON_EXTRACT_PATH_TEXT isn't converted correctly, as the Snowflake query results in error:
Error parsing JSON: more than one document in the input
cr.creatives is formatted like this:
or left curly bracket{
(rare exceptions are when the JSON consists of a single string, null, true, or false values). Also, there are 2x double quotes""
throughout the JSON, which also not valid JSON. – Jauregui""
to single quotes"
in the JSON solved it! – Nocturnal