I've converted a Keras model for use with OpenVino. The original Keras model used sigmoid to return scores ranging from 0 to 1 for binary classification. After converting the model for use with OpenVino, the scores are all near 0.99 for both classes but seem slightly lower for one of the classes.
For example, test1.jpg and test2.jpg (from opposite classes) yield scores of 0.00320357 and 0.9999, respectively.
With OpenVino, the same images yield scores of 0.9998982 and 0.9962392, respectively.
Edit* One suspicion is that the input array is still accepted by the OpenVino model but is somehow changed in shape or "scrambled" and therefore is never a match for class one? In other words, if you fed it random noise, the score would also always be 0.9999. Maybe I'd have to somehow get the OpenVino model to accept the original shape (1,180,180,3) instead of (1,3,180,180) so I don't have to force the input into a different shape than the one the original model accepted? That's weird though because I specified the shape when making the xml and bin for openvino:
python3 /opt/intel/openvino_2021/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo_tf.py --saved_model_dir /Users/.../Desktop/.../model13 --output_dir /Users/.../Desktop/... --input_shape=\[1,180,180,3]
However, I know from error messages that the inference engine is expecting (1,3,180,180) for some unknown reason. Could that be the problem? The other suspicion is something wrong with how the original model was frozen. I'm exploring different ways to freeze the original model (keras model converted to pb) in case the problem is related to that.
I checked to make sure the Sigmoid activation function is being used in the OpenVino implementation (same activation as the Keras model) and it looks like it is. Why, then, are the values not the same? Any help would be much appreciated.
The code for the OpenVino inference is:
import openvino
from openvino.inference_engine import IECore, IENetwork
from skimage import io
import sys
import numpy as np
import os
def loadNetwork(model_xml, model_bin):
ie = IECore()
network = ie.read_network(model=model_xml, weights=model_bin)
input_placeholder_key = list(network.input_info)[0]
input_placeholder = network.input_info[input_placeholder_key]
output_placeholder_key = list(network.outputs)[0]
output_placeholder = network.outputs[output_placeholder_key]
return network, input_placeholder_key, output_placeholder_key
batch_size = 1
channels = 3
image_path = 'test.jpg'
def load_source(path_to_image):
image = io.imread(path_to_image)
img = np.resize(image,(180,180))
return img
img_new = load_source('test2.jpg')
def classify(image):
device = 'CPU'
network, input_placeholder_key, output_placeholder_key = loadNetwork('saved_model.xml','saved_model.bin')
ie = IECore()
exec_net = ie.load_network(network=network, device_name=device)
res = exec_net.infer(inputs={input_placeholder_key: image})
res = res[output_placeholder_key]
return res
result = classify(img_new)
result = result[0]
top_result = np.argmax(result)
And the result:
{'StatefulPartitionedCall/model/dense/Sigmoid': array([[0.9962392]], dtype=float32)}